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Old 12-08-2006, 07:32 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Adam
Since we are making this thread about race, can somebody tell my why 85%+ of all people in prison are black when they represent a much smaller sect..maybe(10-15%) of our population? Is it the man? No sarcasm or disrespect here just a question.
I only have the federal statistics handy, and it would take a more work than I'm willing to do right now to get you the State and local numbers, but the simple explanation is that your percentages are waaaay off. Below are the actual Bureau of Prisons numbers, including every last prisoner as of November 26, 2006. You'll see that not only aren't blacks 85% of the Federal prison population, they aren't even close to the majority.

White 109,064 (56.4%)
Black 77,714 (40.2%)
Native Am. 3,342 ( 1.7%)
Asian 3,239 ( 1.7%)
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