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Old 12-07-2006, 11:41 AM   #32
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Thumbs up Auto Union yes Hitler No

In all honesty many people were made to serve the german nazi machine. If any of you have lived under a totalitarian regime that controls your live totally, you would think otherwise. I lived under Castro's Cuba and I know the inducements for cooperation with the government. Try murder, assasination, gestapo spies in every block you are totally subjected to total control by just one word "fear" for you and your family. Porsche did what he had to do, same as Von Braun etc., I am sure in order to keep his family alive. This has happened in Russia, and all totalitarian countries. Nothing new. This is about to happen now to Venezuela.
As far as the car is concerned it is an object of engineering from the epoch and that in itself would be enough to have it exhibited as the Auto Union that raced in the thirties, not as Hitlers car. The Auto Union racer is worthy of MOMA like the XK-E is.
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