[QUOTE=unklekraker]Im really surprise by how many peeps who would be interested posting their pix, beside the car, into this thread. It's good to see the faces of members whos giving you an advice or where you geting the advice..good or bad, sarcastic or not..hehehehehe! Give you props, djomlas for starting the thread
2 thumbs up for you
now the next question is...since we do have a lot of members who posted up their pix, who would want to make a "member pix montage" or album, so we on't have to go back and forth with all the pages just to see who's who?
thx man,i knew this would be a hit, its actually much better now and people can see who they talking to... just to make it that much more friendly in here
well maybe someone can start a thread...just pictures no writing, so for example user id and then picture(s) and then move on to the next one, so that pretty much everything would be on one or 2 pages, depending on how many we get.
i know people would be maybe too lazy to enter their picture again on another thread, but that would be even easier....so pics and talk in here, and pics only in the other thread, i dunno, just ideas