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Old 12-06-2006, 06:58 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by z12358
Not claiming it's true, but it's conceivable that big players with an agenda can affect prices in a free-market. Big oil producing countries can time the supply of crude oil, while big oil corporations can time both the demand for crude oil and the supply of unleaded gas. Now imagine some hypothetical guy with some stakes in the elections calling some of his big oil friends (countries and corporations) and suggesting that a slightly arranged timing of increased supply (lower prices) would be very, very helpful before Nov 7. Tough to prove but quite conceivable. Crude is well below its Nov 7 level while Unleaded Gas is well above it, suggesting that the corporations (users of crude, producers of gas) would have done the heavy lifting on this one.

"Big Oil countries" try to raise prices all the time. That is there function, to maximize their profits, much as it is yours to maximize YOUR income.

Whether they are able to somehow escape the laws of supply and demand is in fact, another story all together. In fact, OPEC has been a case study in how oligopolies or cartels can consistenly fail to enforce their will on comsumers. In the long run, consumers have options, like, well, driving less for example.

The problem of course is that presently, there are plenty of other countries willing to sell the oil, rather than sit on it. This makes the OPEC guys furious.

Saying that something is "conceivable" is the sign of, well actually, nothing.

It is conceivable that I will learn to fly soon but not very likely.

However, belief is unlimited and boundless.

Believe what you will!
Rich Belloff

Last edited by Brucelee; 12-06-2006 at 07:02 AM.
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