Since buying at the end of August..
$600 Replace CV boots (damaged from previous owner)
$1500 New Pilot Sport Tires + install (I think it came with the actual stock Conti's)
$55 Soft top cover off ebay
$70 Readjust parking brake cable
$10 Replace worn radio knob
$15 Replace engine compartment fan relay (D.I.Y.)
$12 Replace transmission cooling scoops (D.I.Y)
$300 Two trips to International Detail
$100 Weekend washing materials
and preparing to purchase an extended warranty before the current CPO runs out.
so $2662 after 3 months before the new warranty. But hopefully this is it for awhile...right?
BTW Jim, I hope successfully selling your Boxster doesn't mean we'll lose your immensely thorough guidance here on 986forum.