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Old 11-30-2006, 01:10 PM   #34
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Location: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap
I NEVER gamble I once had a job where I had to attend a 10 DAY LOOONG convention with a bunch of Chinese business dudes (HUGE gamblers). These guys would drop six figures a night. Well we had to take these guys out and the company gave me money to gamble with so we wouldn't look like wimps. But I had to use it on the casino floor, I was so tempted to drop it into my Etrade account. The strip is easily my least favorite 'vacation' spot in America, 2nd only to Bourbon Street. The food in vegas always tastes weird to me, like its been stored too long. Oh and I ended up having dinner with the Chinese dudes at Emerill Lugasis Steak place and in walks O.J. Simpson and he's walking right towards me, eyes locked right on me. I go for my steak knife (just in case). He say
"Whats going on?"
and sits directly behind me at the next table. I could clearly hear his entire conversation which wasn't too hard because everyone in this room clamed up in two seconds when they realized who was dining with them. He was having dinner with a couple of Japanese chicks while everyone working in that eatery was kissing his ass. The maitre'd guy even came over to his table to prepare his salad with some sort of mushroom oatmeal goop topping. My co worker from the west coast office told me he saw him the week before on a golf course he lives near and his friends from UCLA heckled him from the other hole with taunts of "OJ you F'ing killer get off the course". He says he gets that everywhere he goes.
I also got a pound from Rodman who I was told had a yellow 996 Turbo in the parking lot of the HardRock.


Cool! I'd have a knife handy around O.J. That's cool though seeing celebraties. I have never seen any in all my trips here, except once saw Rodney Dangerfield crossing the street as I went by in a cab.

As a vacation spot, I like Vegas, but truly, Montreal is my favorite with Charleston, SC as my next choice. In fact at last year's convention (Ponte Vedre, FL) we rented a car and drove up to Charleston to spend a week and flew home from there - I'm a Food & Wine guy and these cities have incredible food...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
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