Originally Posted by z12358
Bob, sorry to hear, and do make sure you get ALL repairs covered + the loss of value due to a damaged/repaired car.
A small correction. Momentum = M*V (mass * speed). The SUV need not be accelerating (A=0) for it to produce the damaging momentum.
Z: True, the equation for momentum is p = m * v (mass times velocity) from which can be derived Newton's second law - F(orce) = M(ass)*A(cceleration). Both are correct, in non relativistic classical mechanics.
YOUhowever are correct in that momentum (not dependent upon acceleration or changing momentum....whoaaaa wait...let's NOT get into this) vs force was the deciding factor in the amount of damage. Minus 10 pts for me. Its been too many years since I had Mechanics. I KNEW I shoudn't have brought this up!
And yes.. the motocycle always loses