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Old 11-28-2006, 11:36 AM   #12
Posts: n/a
okay i agree what comes around goes around butttttttt.

it depends...i like to call it jusified the line up in the 7 / 11 is rammed and the cashier is having a friendly conversation with the guy paying for over 5 mins......i walk out with my ****************.

i walk into the gas station and it's mad raukus because the visa machine is down, the interact machine is down. the gas station accross the street is down, and the cashier goes $5, i say what, it's actually $60. only because i could see that it wasn't his fault, and so confused. if it was his fault i would of paid him $5.

(this one only cause i was young at the time, never ever would i do it 10 years later) walk into a shop to inquire about a set of rims, and i'm sitting in the front of the store for over 20mins waiting. dumb ass people could of got robbed, well they did. i just walked out with the rims that i wanted. one on each shoulder, took two trips, threw them in the van.

justified stealing, look it up! or better yet i'll define it for you! i really am an honest person i swear, i just hate dumb people....what goes around comes around both ways ya hear.
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