Miscellaneous questions
1) I ordered rear speakers from PNP for my 2000 Boxster; I have 2 old amps (Sony xm-21+xm-41) from an old stereo. They both have some kind of 10 pin round connector. Is it worth it to try to use one of these, and how would I hook up?
2) Should I fill the speaker cavity with loose pillow filling, something else, or keep empty?
3) Should I wire speaker harness through right side of tunnel i/o the door sill (seems easier and no need to disconnect battery), and does anyone have instructions for doing so?
4) I was trying to pick up switched 12 volts and ground from the fuse box for a radar detector and was trying to find an easy way of doing this. As you can tell, I'm not very good at this stuff.
Thanks in advance for the help.