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Old 06-23-2004, 11:33 AM   #10
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Location: UK - Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.
Posts: 8

hmmm now there lies a story, or two. I have owned Toyota MR2s for around 11 years slowly progressing through the various models, MKI, MKII (both pre / post '94) and the roadster, I have even retained membership of the UK MR2 Drivers Club. Early this year I realised, after two years, that the roadster wasn't really doing it for me (another story) so a change was in order...

The list was drawn up ... Honda S2000, Merc SLK, Boxster and my boyhood fantasy (lets not go there too deeply) a Lotus Esprit! Unfortunately I'm the type of guy who's head rules his heart and I started by phoning each dealer on the list to find out servicing costs even before looking at possible cars! very sensible, my mum would be proud!

Unfortunately the Esprit which I would dearly of loved, would have also cost me dearly. Services costing £550($960), £900($1575) and £1400($2450) and coming round every 6k miles! eeek. Lotus is based literally 15 miles from where I live, I have even been round the factory a couple of times through the MR2 club, you get to see it all, and it's all very scary ...watching as they glue the cars together ... no kidding!

Cut along story short I tested the list and settled for a Boxster, I am as happy as a pig in **************** to a degree that I can only remember in the days of my MKI MR2. The car (2001 2.7 AS) is superb and well worth the £25k, I have no reason to doubt that German engineering isn't up to Japanese, but certainly neither are worse than British! LOTUS ... Lots Of Trouble Usually Serious!

Way off topic and long-winded ... me all over!
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