"I have a BMC aftermarket filter too...just cleaned it for the first time the other day after I intalled it 2.5 yrs and 13k miles ago. There was no large debris just very fine fine black dust which is probably a combination of many things including brake dust. Edevlin, I think you are over-servicing your filter and are due for a CEL and foulded MAS anyday now. But to each his own. Jus my .002"
Hi Adam, I have wondered about how much to clean the BMC filter. I have only cleaned it 3X in 11K. But I have gone in to look at it after just a few hundred miles after cleaning it. After as few as 300 miles, it is already mostly black on the surface, that is what I found interesting, the speed at which it gets coated. BTW, I have been monitoring my MAF and it looks fine (when viewed under an Olympus research stereoscope). I have also cleaned the MAF and did not notice anything comming off.