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Old 02-15-2025, 10:11 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by tcoradeschi View Post
What I don’t see here is what year your Boxster is and how the amp in the frunk is integrated. My 03 uses MOST to connect the radio to the amp. Adding rear speakers was relatively trivial, as the amp already has outputs for them, so it was simply a matter of making those connections happen.

No, the Box will never be an audio masterpiece (regardless of what you add, subtract, replace or upgrade). It’s a convertible with a very small cabin, which is why you bought it in the first place!!!
2001, no MOST, no Bose. It’s the Hi-Fi model (door speakers and no sub—although I added a separate, self-powered sub).

Adding the rear speakers just wired directly to the high-level rear outputs on the head unit has worked well.

I have no idea how the amp is actually set up, hence the question.
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