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Old 02-12-2025, 10:47 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Danimal View Post
I finally got back in there and played with the cables. I stretched the black cable about 1/4" to match how much I had to pull the blue cable to fit. It solved about 80% of the issue and now all shifts engage with a much firmer "thunk" and less guess work. I'm guessing my cables are worn and stretched or the newer version of the cables are slightly shorter than my originals. Maybe that's why the alignment tool on the 997/987 shifter doesn't quite work for me.

I may make a few micro adjustments while I've got the console open, but I'm pretty happy for now.
anyone else with this issue concur on this solution or different shifter cable configurations solving it?
I have identical issue it would appear. PO had rennline short shifter, i put in 997 assembly , used centering tool and sure enough the one cable seems too short to fit in the threads with the centering tool, so pulled it to sit into the threads properly. Shifting got a little better because PO didnt used alignment tool, but still having issues. Doesnt like going into 3rd cold, and takes until the car is warm to self center when in neutral.
I am hesitant to cut up any stock parts and would prefer solving it with new fresh parts if that is the proper solution.

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