Originally Posted by Starter986
The bore scoring inspection? Locking up everything, including me of the unecssary steps/personal preference? God didn;t gift you with OCD for nothing. Don't be wallowing in your regret a year from now with " shuld haves". Just do it. All. Cover every base. Listen to your OCD.
Now... from where did you purchase the set of SAE/metric crescent wrences. I have the SAE, but after spending several hours looking for the metric... zero. Thanks.
Actually, I don't have full-blown OCD, I have a much less severe version called OCPD — obsessive-compulsive
personality disorder. It's OCD-lite. I strive for perfection, but if perfection is unattainable for some reason, I'm practical. I can say the hell with it. However, you're probably right that I should just bite the bullet and remove the sump cover and scope out the bores. I'll save it until last.
I picked up the set of metric and SAE crescents at Bed, Bath & Beyond, in the Beyond department. Alas, they closed all their stores in 2023, so you'll need to find another source.