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Old 01-10-2025, 05:35 AM   #3
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FYI..... a number of videos on You Tube of the different procedures to replace that switch, view them all because some are better than others....but viewing them all is a good idea.

In general, there seems to be two methods in the videos. One, is to do all the work from UNDER the dash while the second method is to work from both UNDER and from the TOP by also removing a side vent. In both cases it's the tiny set screws with loctite that cause the most difficulty in the process.

One other note: from reading it appears that the switch may be difficult to find and purchase as a Porsche part. There are threads here that say the part is also identical to the one available through Audi. (That's the one i bought as a "spare" if and when it needs to be changed at some future point)

Good luck....i understand its a pain in the butt job. Most say, stop every once in awhile, take a break with a drink, then contort yourself again and finish....then visit a
98' Boxster
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