Thread: Which tire?
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Old 11-27-2024, 06:08 PM   #1
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Posts: 48
Which tire?

Currently I live in Southern California and have summer tires (firestone indy 500). My rear tires are pretty worn on the inside since my car is lowered and doesn't have rear adjustable toe links, so the camber is at ~-2.5 at the back. I'd probably be looking at adding adjustable toe links to avoid this problem in the future with new tires.

Next year I'll be moving up to the sacramento area, so winters will be cooler and ranier. Since I need new tires anyway, I was thinking of a continental DWS06+ for the rears, and then replace the fronts when they need it.

How much grip would I be losing compared to a dedicated summer tire like I have been running for the last few years? Should I switch or could I get away with running summer tires? Averages in the area don't get much lower than the high 40s at the lowest (assuming I don't drive in the middle of the night lol).
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