Originally Posted by dharrisonwu
Surprisingly, regarding the RMS issue, the guy I spoke with raised this issue. Apparently, this has been an issue with other porsche's as well. In any event, there's coverage that speaks to seals as well:
"seals and gaskets, if needed, are covered for the following assemblies: engine; turbo/supercharger; transmission; transfer unit, drive axles, steering; front suspension; brakes and air conditioning."
So, it looks like RMS is covered as well. You should give them a call to clarify. I haven't used the policy yet so I can't speak to what will actually happen when RMS or Intermediate shaft fails. 1- 800-632-4222.
By the way, I'm not getting compensated or anything like that from WD. I just thought that will all the issues out there with the boxster, this would help us all.
I concur on the seal coverage. However, the Boxster owner's biggest fear is if simple seal replacement won't resolve the issue. In other words, we all want the warranty company to pick up the tab for a complete engine replacement, if it goes that far. I am concerned that the policy will simply pay for a seal replecement, and not much more. If that is the case, I will keep my $1400 and pay the $700 or so if and when I need to have the RMS replaced.