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Old 11-09-2024, 10:07 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2024
Location: San Jose, California
Posts: 76
Broken brace at the rear near the exhaust

My new to me boxster adventures continue. 🙂 While removing the belly pan to change the the transmission fluid ( see my other post for that escapade ) I noticed that the brace at the rear by the exhaust that has 2 bolts attached to the rear of the belly pan, was half missing, only the driver side was attached to the car.

​​​​​​​When removing the remaining piece, it broke in half ( it must have been busted already ). So now that entire brace is kaput. I haven't been able to locate the part number yet, but my more immediate question, is the car driveable without this until I can replace it? It honestly doesn't appear to be doing anything mission critical, but at the same time it must have some purpose ...
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