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Old 11-04-2024, 08:06 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Waco, Texas
Posts: 406
Possible failing fuel pump.

About 2 weeks ago I backed the car out of the garage to wash it and an hour or so later was going to put it back in the garage but the car would not fire but just crank over. I tried about 3 times to get it to start back to back with no luck and then waited about 5 minutes before trying again where it fired instantly and ran as normal. I drove the car the next day without issue and parked it until this past week when again it would not start after two extended tries. I went about my day and tried it again that same evening and it started as normal. The first time I just chalked it up to being a fluke and thought maybe something got wet but I have washed the car hundreds of times the same way without issue. Yesterday I started the car to get some gas and it seemed to do the same thing again before again running as normal. When I tried to fill up the car within 2-3 seconds of trying to fill the tank it came gushing out like a geyser covering me and the front of the car. I tried it a second time and it did it again though it might have been possible to slowly fill the tank but I did not try as something was certainly wrong. I have spent time searching here and through google on general and some of the possible no start issues would be a fuel pump that may be dying, fuel pump relay, or Crank position sensor. The problem I have had so far is the problem seems to fix itself before I have time to diagnose the issue with a fuel pressure gauge, etc. Does a failing fuel pump just suddenly die or is it possibly a progressive thing? Could the issue with the fuel filler be related? The timing seems very coincidental?
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