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Old 11-03-2024, 09:25 AM   #1
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Boxster 986 facelift soft top on non facelift


I own a 2000 Boxster and I just upgraded from the pre-facelift soft top to a glass facelift, and I have an issue.

The soft top does not fully fold in when converting the car, I tried adjusting everything from the cables to align the 2 sides, to the mounting arms, and the left side is still not fully closing (about 1-2cm short).

As a test I've removed the carpet that covers the engine access and the soft top closed correctly, so it looks like the glass makes the top a bit thicker, just enough that it doesn't have enough space to fold completely in.

Did anyone else encounter this issue after making the upgrade? Maybe I'm missing something, I don't want to end up removing the carpet so the top closes fully. I've seen a lot of posts about upgrading the soft top to glass, but nobody seemed to mention this.

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