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Old 11-01-2024, 02:56 AM   #2
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Originally Posted by Antoine86 View Post
A few years back, my ford vcm2 stopped functioning. Upon opening it up, I discovered a cracked chip inside. Now, while browsing eBay for current clones, I’ve noticed two board layouts available: a single board and a multi-board design. However, there aren't many sellers offering these. Some listings describe them as "single chip/best" or simply "other." I still have the original cable and software CD that allowed my VCM to work for many years.
Two questions:

1. Why do you persist in posting bull****************, and with no 986 content?

2. Doesn't your husband get pissed off when you exit his lair at 2 in the ****************ing morning... to post your nonsense?

Finally... tell your mom to put in a change of address request. I kicked her out, and am tired of getting her mail.
1998 Porsche Boxster
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