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Old 10-11-2024, 02:44 AM   #1
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ISTA+ ICOM Next Connection Issues

I'm experiencing connection problems with my F25 using the ICOM Next interface. I successfully connected directly to ISTA+ with an ENET cable but switched to bmw icom next for an ILEVEL upgrade.

In ITool Radar, I see the connection, and I can reserve the interface in Easy Connect. However, when I launch ISTA+, all connections drop and time out. Vehicle identification fails, and I receive timeout errors across all tools, including the web admin interface. Restarting the ICOM after disconnecting it from the car temporarily resolves the issue until I attempt to connect with ISTA+ again.

- ICOM Next: ICOM A1 Firmware: 03.22.21 (clone)
- ISTA+: 4.32.15
- ITool Radar: 1.1.1 (working fine)
- Easy Connect: 7.3.0 (working fine)

I'm using a remote IP as per the guide, and all protections are disabled in Windows. The ENET direct cable connection works perfectly.

What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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