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Old 10-10-2024, 05:10 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2024
Location: PA
Posts: 13
Okay, I got broken water pump and old thermostat removed, and got new water pump and new low temp (73c) thermostat with new housing installed today. Drained about 3 or 4 gallons of old coolant, very dirty, I raised the front the car higher than the rear to get as much coolant to as possible. The center drain plug was stripped so I only drained the coolant from the water pump hose and thermostat hose.

I filled 2.5 gallons of distilled water and expansion tank is full, after started engine and I was able to fill another gallon then it won't take anymore (I do have the purge valve opened), so I went to get the car heat on max and brought it to operation temperature then hold the engine between 2500 ~ 3000 rpm for about 10 minutes, thermostat was open and radiator fans went on so the system was circulating. I shut off the car and it was going to get dark so I am done today. Tomorrow I will try to fill more distilled water if it can take more. I ordered a coolant vacuum kit from Amazon and just arrived after I was done initial filling and bleeding. So tomorrow I will drain the distilled water and try this coolant vacuum fill kit.

Here are the old broken water pump, the bearing is shot, all 6 fins on the propeller are broken on the tips:

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