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Old 08-19-2024, 11:32 AM   #56
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Small story. in 2017 i was in 7th grade and my mom bought a boxster for 3K with hopes to flip it. She actually never ended up getting around to it and instead let it sit in the driveway for nearly a year. I loved seeing the car everyday and even asked if i could just have it as a first car instead of her buying me one when it was time. She agreed i could have it if i fixed it. Since then spent any free time researching every single piece to this car up and down and actually got it running. Drove it around the neighborhood and local stores bc i was too young to have a license. Unfortunately sold it as i needed something more "practical" per my mothers words for working. I was absolutely in love with that one and regretted selling instantly. Fast forward from then to now, I bought another 99 Boxster in the best color spec in my opinion. I work as a project coordinator in construction now so funds aren't entirely limited to daily driving and maintenance. I grew up in a family of mechanically inclined relatives so I know how to work in this car just find. I 100% recommend someone buy this car if you are thinking about it.

Although just as others have said here, be mindful of certain things within the car itself for replacement / maintenance and make sure you have money comin in from a job so you CAN keep it. Ill keep my boxster until i die and if this engine dies, ill buy another one and swap it in. This car is by far miles above any other from my experience working as a Diesel mechanic and driving all sorts of classic cars and trucks of all varieties. I would never choose any other car to own as a "fun toy"
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