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Old 08-02-2024, 11:07 AM   #1
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Posts: 75
986 Different ABS versions

Hi All,

Where can I find which ABS versions were used in the different model years of the 986. Bentley suggest that starting from 2002 ABS 5.7 was used (former 5.3). It does not have wiring diagrams for 2002 and beyond.

I have a PDF with diagrams for supposedly all model years and the 2002 diagrams is slighty different than 1998. I didn't check which year the minor change occurs. Number of pins and overall assignment is the same.

Starting 2003 it seems to have a plug with more pins. Still similar in the number of connections to the car, but it seems more logical for this to be the ABS 5.7.

I am not looking for the info on PSM / traction control etc, just bare ABS.

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