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Old 05-23-2024, 12:11 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Kerosene View Post
Hello everyone

I got a 986 and today was inspection day. Unfortunately the car didn’t pass the smog test because the CO levels where too high, i’ve prepared the car for it because it had some issues with it in the past. I cleaned the injectors, cleaned de maf sensor, cleaned the air filter (k&n) and also changed the catalytic converters (previous owner changed the original ones to some generic ones so I’ve got new ones and still wouldn’t pass the smog test.
My question is what can I do next to make the car pass. I want to drive it because I’ve got some free time now after a year that i only drove the car 112km (like 70 miles) and I want to enjoy it. The car only has 80000km like (50000 miles)
I would be looking at the real time MAF values with a Porsche specific scan tool; MAF values can be enough out of wack to raise CO levels and still not code, so check to see where it is.
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