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Old 04-27-2024, 03:02 PM   #35
The 986er
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New Key in late 2023

I bought a second key for my 986 in late 2023. The lowest priced way to do this that I could find was this: 1) Buy actual key from the dealership online that offers the lowest price. I used Porsche Delaware ($221), but Porsche Atlanta had competitive pricing too. Look around, but you need to have from a dealership with the number codes they give you attached to the key, as they use in the programming. 2) Use autobest2015 off Ebay for a laser cut key blade. Take a picture of the old key and have them laser cut a replica. This takes forever, like a month, but cost $13 for my 986. Finally, call around to dealerships near you and get a price quote for programming the Fob. West Houston did mine for $150. All in, I got a second key under $400 in late 2023!
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