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Old 03-14-2024, 11:40 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Gilles View Post
I had use the tip from JFP and it works very well, just get two long bolts with their heads cut off and you should be able to align the tranny properly, you may have to rotate the input shaft a bit to align the input shaft with the clutch splines
Yeah, so this is more or less what I did but I was using the standard mounting bolts. Wish I'd read up on JFP's route because you have to get it pretty close to aligned before those bolts will have enough thread to go in, I probably would have saved myself a lot of hassle using some longer ones and removing them after. Using that socket as a spacer just helped get the side to side and top to bottom alignment just right for the last little push and then I felt it slide into place.
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