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Old 01-15-2024, 12:05 PM   #4
BRAN's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2013
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Posts: 1,367
Let's face reality, engine (performance) upgrades aren't worth it anymore. Most modern family cars with their turbo engines will be a challenge for our beloved classic Boxster. Some goes for the aircooled 911.
Desnorkeling/ PSE / IPD / 74mm TB / +100 octane fuel were "slightly" noticeable all together, but you get used to it so Sprintbooster was probably the most noticable perfdormance change btw.
...and once an A3 out sprints you and you are having a hard time passing a fully loaded Skoda octavia RS on the autobahn, you know our Boxsters turned into a classic car. Not even mentioning EVs.
Sound wise those upgrades will be a blast.

986 driveability is unrivalled compared to nowadays cars, which have completely lost that analog feel.
Original Owner | PORSCHE Boxster 2.7L (MY01) | Seal Gray

Last edited by BRAN; 01-15-2024 at 02:09 PM.
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