Thread: Finally. Pix!
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Old 11-14-2006, 05:07 PM   #22
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I'd sooner invest in a repaint then any power mods. One will expand the pool of buyers and the other will limit it.

I was in the same predicament with my last car. It was also black, daily driven and the mods were starting to add up. I got it for 50% of new private seller Bluebook so I didn't sweat the money I was spending, I just considered it an entertainment expense since it became a big part of my life with autocrossing and all. I avoided the Turbo charger that I lusted after for the entire period of ownership. Dutifully invested in the "cosmetics" and after the car was 100% tasty some dude from Florida saw it for sale on Ebay. . Even though the selling price was twice the Blue Book private seller price, had over 100K on the odometer, the guy new the effort, time and money that went into making it a head turner and had to have it.
I picked him up at the Airport, he paid me ca$h and drove the thing right back down to Florida from where he came. He even gave me a ride to pick up the BoxsterS which was sitting in the spare showroom (trade in). Even a month after the sale I was still getting people asking me if I could give him the contact info of the new owner.

After 5 years I only lost $3K on the "deal" well worth the fun I had for five years.
The key was to get everything as cheap as possible. People called me Mr. Ebay back then but when I told them what I got for the car and what I was stepping into next they saw the method to madness. Hopefully I'll repeat the experience because when it comes to guys and their cars sometimes they part with their money in the most illogical ways. Makes me want to start restoring 993's.
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
Fabspeed Headers & Noise Maker
BORN: March 2000 - FINLAND
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