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Old 01-02-2024, 10:38 AM   #4
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You have multiple things going on. P0410 and 1411 are both for the SAI system and not related to the others. I would tackle these separately and try to address these once all the others are resolved.

Your O2 sensor signals may suggest that both cats are close to the end of their lifetime, the post-cat signal should not follow the pre-cat signal like that. Post-cat signal should be more or less flat. The O2 signals at idle are confusing though... are you sure the tool was connected? The pre-cat sensor's signal should be oscillatong between 0 and 1, and if not doing that it should throw a separate code for sensor malfunction or signal interruption. I can't see those codes in your list. The mixture richness may be due to a leaking injector or some vacuum leak. I'd clear all codes and see which one comes back and when.
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