Originally Posted by jeffsquire
Did you take the calipers off or leave them?
Jeff, I left them on. The only thing I would do differently if I were to do it again would be to use most of the can of brake parts cleaner and really scrub them with a towel inside and out. I contaminated the red paint a little by brushing over areas I didn't originally think I would paint, so I didn't thoroughly spray the areas and wipe it down with a rag the way I should have done.
Perfectlap: I have decided against clear coating mine after reading your comment above. If the stickers fall off, so be it. I'll buy more. I just ain't taking those wheels off AGAIN anytime soon because the clear coat is messed up.
Blkboxster: There's just not much to see in the back.... the new exhaust tucks under the bumper so well that you only see a sliver of it and what you do see is the transmission now! Makes me want to buy a newer bumper that's lower or put those diffusers on the one I have now.
Audioguy: I had no tires on these rims previously. They're new. However, I was running a brand new set (3 months of weekend driving only) of Sumitomo HRTZII's on my 17's... which will be my track tires for the DE I want to do next year. The Sumi's are very good inexpensive tires IMO and did not flat-spot like the Kumho's I was running before. I have nothing good to say about Kumho tires, although others say they are great for the track because they're cheap. The Sumi's are even cheaper though... and ToolPants has them on his Boxster and doggonit, if Jeff uses them then they're good enough for me! He's a boxster expert with a first year boxster he bought brand new in 1996 I think!
The Michelins are just incredibly quiet and very very grippy. Of course, I only have about 600 miles on them so they're just getting broken in. Some of the love affair with this brand and model tires is the fact that I have not had the cash to put really good tires on the car before so this is like a bit of a tire dream come true for me.