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Old 10-09-2023, 11:33 AM   #6688
CenCal Mike
Registered User
Join Date: May 2023
Location: Central Valley, CA
Posts: 15
Just returned from our roundtrip to St. Louis, MO from CA. The Grey Seal flew along wonderfully. Only one day en route we encountered rain for the first part of the day, but top down the rest of trip. Almost every day out was in the 70s-80s and clear. Some cross winds, especially out on the prairies, but simply putting the windows up helped.

Got an average of 28 MPG while often going 80+ MPH. Only exception was after fueling at a Shamrock station in Kansas City, KS, we got 22. That turned out to be the only bad load of fuel.

Having done this trip a number of times in other vehicles, this was easily the most enjoyable. Never once did I start to get drowsy, even on long boring stretches in the middle of nowhere.

Most entertaining was in the middle of Kansas, we stopped for lunch in a little town about an hour out of Didge City. After eating, went out to the car. A pair of older Mennonite sisters began asking about the car. They were fascinated with it. Then we got in and lowered the top. One of the sisters was so entertained, she walked over to look in the car. I offered to drive her around the block in it, which made her laugh. She said that would make the car too tempting. We left with a lot of smiles and waving.
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