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Old 09-30-2023, 03:32 PM   #6686
CenCal Mike
Registered User
Join Date: May 2023
Location: Central Valley, CA
Posts: 15
Drove three and a half days with the wife to St. Louis, MO from Central CA. Went over the Sierra via Highway 88. Beautiful day to put the top down and go. Went as far as near Fallon before getting on I-80. Loved hitting the interstate and almost immediately greeted by an 80 MPH speed limit. Set the cruise control at near 90 and enjoyed the ride.

Spent the night in Wells, NV. Took off the next morning, got fuel. Love the prices and non-ethanol fuel. The stretch across the Great Salt Desert was some 50 miles of boring, but again at 90 mph. Going over the mountain east of SLC, near Park City, a series of 45 mph rated turns up and down the other side, easily done at 65-70.

Stopped for lunch in Evanston, Wy and filled up again, first time putting 93 octane in the Grey Seal. Stopped again for the evening in Cheyenne. Checked fuel mileage. Through Nevada - 26 mpg. Through Utah - 27+. Across Wyoming, 28+. All doing an average of 80+ mph. Fuel mileage dropped the last day, as we went down in elevation to about 500 ft as opposed to being at much higher altitude. So far a nice trip. Next week, coming back through the Southwest.via 44 and I-40 to Barstow and over the Tehachapi grade back into the Central Valley.
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