Originally Posted by blue62
What year is the car?
The fuel lines run under the car from the fuel tank (under the battery) back to the engine.
There are a few connections in those lines. If you have leak at a connection the fuel will run along the under body pans.
If you have a 2000 or later year model the fuel filter is under the car.
So added connections that could leak.
You need to drop the under body pans and do a good visual inspection and find the problem.
Driving the car could be dangerous if your getting raw fuel back towards the engine you have hot exhaust and catalytic converters that could trigger a fire.
It's a 1999 with a 996.1 3.4 engine.
That's where will be looking first. But regardless where it's leaking from, the weird part is that the leak simply went away. Today I drove it again and it was fine. No one can explain it...