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Old 08-13-2023, 08:57 PM   #55
husker boxster
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I hopped back onto the stereo today. Had put that project off to the side as other things were more important.

When I last worked on it, I wasn't getting any sound when I hotwired the radio and amp. I had crossovers for both sets of rear speakers but wouldn't get sound out of any of the speakers. Got tinny sound when I went from radio to speakers, so the amp seemed suspect. Took it to a stereo shop to have them check it. Cpl days later they called back & said the amp was good. When I picked it up I asked how they had wired it. There were screws marked + and -, which I was using as my pos & neg. There was also a 3rd, middle screw that they said was for ignition. That was the key - the pos wire was for constant voltage but didn't run the amp. The ignition screw did. Too bad the manual never mentioned that (I did RTFM). So today I did the proper hotwiring thru the radio & amp and got music! Yay!

It may still look like a rat's nest but the speaker wires are now the proper length and the amp is screwed down securely. It's just a bit messy with short wires to the radio and a wire to hold the battery door open. Didn't want it falling closed and shorting my hotwires.

But progress was made. Now I need to work on getting power to the radio from the center console and wires from the radio to the amp. I'm debating how far to go since I take her back to the mechanic 2 wks from tom to have him cont working on the AC. May not need a radio in his way. But we'll see, if I make good progress on the radio installation, I may be able to take the radio back out and just leave the plugs. That's the plan for now.
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Last edited by husker boxster; 08-13-2023 at 09:00 PM.
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