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Old 08-02-2023, 12:52 PM   #5
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
First, clear all the codes, run the car and see what comes back.

Codes 1124 and 1126 say that the DME cannot richen the mixture enough to get it back in range.

Possible faults:
*Intake system leak
*low fuel pressure
*clogged injectors
*fuel pump

If those two codes reoccur, I'd check the fuel system for correct pressures.
Thank you, JFP, for that information. I did find myself reading some of your historical posts, and you have suggested that route on a few occasions.

This may be a TLDR post…

I cleared the codes after I attended to the coils and everything else I listed. Tried to start the car. Wouldn’t. Checked codes… I forgot to reconnect the MAF harness. Reconnected. Wouldn’t start. Cleared the MAF code.

At your recommendation I just returned from checking the codes. No codes. I tried to start the car, and still no start. It’s turning over… but, again, no start. I checked the codes, again, and no codes.

After my initial morning troubleshooting (coils, etc.) I did get under the car… removed the center panel to access the fuel filter. I read, and watched some videos… but when it came to removing the plastic pieces (2) that support the radiator lines, and the slim line between them, and after removing the two 10mm bolts that support the, er, support, I simply couldn’t muster the confidence to remove it. I feared it would break. My intention was to just replace the fuel filter, for I’ve had one in the parts bin for years now, and rule that out.

That didn’t happen. I know, I know… a plastic support piece… no confidence. I must have used up all my confidence when first I got the car and replaced the AOS, water pump, R&R alternator, R&R starter, R&R throttle body, etc.

So… I removed the snap connector from the fuel line… attached a hose into a jar marked for ~3.5 cups… and went to do the relay jumper trick to activate the fuel pump. That was a no go. I’m not a small fella and, the angle in which I backed the car, post tow, didn’t allow for the driver door completely to open… and for the life of me I couldn’t get those two wires to fit into the respective relay connection points. I then decided to plug back in the relay, and try to fire up the car in an effort to inspire the fuel to pump. That was unsuccessful. I reattached the snap on connection… and that’s the end of that.

Of the four possible faults you listed, I’m thinking because of the ridiculously bumpy four miles of dirt road… and because the fuel gauge registered empty… just above the empty light designator… that the engine isn’t receiving fuel. I’m also suspecting that it has something to do with the fuel sending unit… whatever… buried in the tank, under the battery tray.

Should I pull the unit? If affirmative, I’ll do some reading and watching for what I’ll need to do.
Do you believe the challenge emanates from that bumpy drive… the empty needle?

What do you believe the codes for cylinders 1 and 4 reveal? The misfires. Do you find it odd that both banks were ‘hit’?

Thank you for your wisdom. I appreciate it.
1998 Porsche Boxster
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