Originally Posted by Starter986
Tell us it comes with that $2,500 hard top. Then $9,500 might be reasonable. GLWS.
did you read the post under "included items?"
cmon man
Also, I know this forum isn't exactly at peak usage these days, but it can't be any secret here that 986 prices have absolutely skyrocketed in the past couple years (far more than other used cars have)
I've seen base model 986 sell for more lately
edit: yeah, i do understand that the level of "how much can i trust this guy's work" and "how badly was this car treated in the past to need all the mods" factors into the equation... so i do see your point, and I also wouldn't pay this much for a 5sp boxster... but the price doesn't seem off when the hard top and litronics basically cover half the cost of the thing.