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Old 07-12-2023, 09:24 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by PLP View Post
Seeing this info, I would say - well, tough decision. You can buy yourself an expensive list of problems to address.

My other reply, I still stand for it, does not matter now, as the water damage is very tricky to recognize after repairs were done.
Thanks for getting back to me (on both threads!).
Yes, I'm leaning toward coughing up for the PPI and then hopefully going for it.

It's a real quandary- many reasons to both do it and to walk away. As you say, tough decision. It's been 4 years since the alleged flooding and the car has never stopped running, as far as I know. So does that mean the car is in the clear- or that the problems just haven't surfaced yet? In the vast majority of cases, I find I more often regret the things I don't do than the things I did choose to do.
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