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Old 07-12-2023, 08:42 AM   #8
The Radium King
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
We are dancing around the semantics of how many angels will fit on the head of pin here; the simple fact is that the bore in the photo is scored, and in a very bad place near the top of the bore where it will impact ring sealing. So whether it is "classic" bore scoring, foreign object scoring, ring land failure scoring, or dark side of the moon scoring; the fact is the bore is scored and damaged.

The larger question is what is the OP going to do about it?
not sure if we are dancing around anything? your first response wasn't very definitive - "looks like it". so, with only some pictures to go by, as well as a few dissenting opinions, i don't think a discussion on potential causes is out of line. it is certainly not a semantic discussion.

if you want a discussion more 'semantic' in nature, how about the difference between scoring and bore polishing:
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