Replaced 4-prong coolant temp sensor. No result.
So I poked around in the trunk last night checking "stuff" out, I might have found the cause for my malfunctioning coolant temperature gauge. Indeed there are 2 wires running into the forward facing trunk cavity. A brown wire and a blue/red wire, just hanging there outside any of the wire looms in the vicinity. Light tugging produced 2 app. 24in long wires, both cleanly severed from their bros in the engine bay. I suspect rodent damage. The wires would have been severed at the rear end of the engine near the trans, judging by the length that was left.
Wish I had thought of not just verifying its 4 wires, but actually following them to their destination while I had everything unbuttoned last week to replace water pump and thermostat.
I'll be really good at doing the top and carpet tango very soon, I fear.
I am reasonably sure that the wires belong to my temp gauge, not the (possessed by Satan himself) rodent.