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Old 06-10-2023, 10:38 AM   #14
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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I received the stainless steel flexible coolant tubing yesterday. It looks like it will work, but it's not an impressive product. It flexes and holds a shape, but it looks like a tight right angle will stress it. The couplings are awkward, but should function if installed with care. I checked out some videos on YouTube and it seems to be a popular choice to replace the radiator hose in old Chevys. I expect I'll replace it with good silicone after the rest of the car is sorted.

On the way to work this morning with the top down a storm front was rapidly approaching. A great excuse to park in the hangar.

While there, I treated the leather and swapped out the spoiler cap with an Arctic Silver one. The original spoiler has cracked tabs and almost came off on the highway.

The to-do list on 'Other' includes: Paint the spoiler the correct silver, Replace the S on the trunk, Replace the noisy left radiator fan, and have an upholstery shop re-do the leather on the dashboard. ...none of it urgent.
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