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Old 06-07-2023, 11:32 AM   #11
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All depends upon how you value your time, and the LN tool is actually the factory Porsche unit, which if I am not mistaken, they rent out. And if you notice, I was the moderator over at RennTech, and still am.

I've have actually done the seal using PVC pipe, and it can work if done carefully, and then checked afterwards with a digital depth gauge. More often than not, pulling in with the bolts, however, resulted in a crooked seal that had to be thrown away and replaced. The factory tool consists of multiple parts, one of which bolts solidly to the crank first, and then mounts the second component that holds and inserts the seal, totally eliminating any chance of the seal not being dead straight in the case opening. Other aftermarket one-piece tools also lacked the factory tool's method of holding the seal still in its protective cover while doing the installation, preventing any dirt or fingerprints, which will definitely cause leaks and can actually be more of an issue than getting it in at the wrong depth. This tool was designed to be as "idiot resistant" as possible, and having watched trainee techs use it, I really think that Ray Charles could have installed the PTFE seal correctly with this tool, first shot.

Here is a 5 min video on how the tool works:

Another issue is that there was a run of engine cases that are always going to leak due to a machining issue that caused a minute out of round situation, and there is a "go/no go" tool for checking for that as well, as that problem cannot be corrected without engine disassembly. At one time, Porsche dealers were told to replace the engine is the tool found it out of concentricity.

Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Last edited by JFP in PA; 06-07-2023 at 01:18 PM.
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