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Old 06-05-2023, 04:02 AM   #6650
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Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: New Rochelle, NY
Posts: 23
Lucy the Elephant

Over the weekend I drove down to Atlantic City (151 miles) for a quickie Convention/business meeting. Staying at the Hard Rock which was very nice especially after the Seminole Nation took it over and refurbed everything. Prior it was the Trump Taj Mahal and pretty much disgusting before abandoned and chained closed.
Took a side trip on the way home to visit "Lucy the Elephant" up the road 5-6 miles to Margate, NJ. as a roadside anomaly. Something to see up close. During the Pandemic they rented it as an Airbnb.

Silver Bullet is looking dapper at the hotel check-in after 3 hours/151 miles straight-shot, top down and speeds of 100+ more than a few times. Of course that wasn't because I was driving a Porsche... it was because I was in NJ and everyone was driving 100+mph:

Lucy, been here since the early 1900's but has been rebuilt a few times. See the window in the upper front leg. Yes you can go/climb into it:

You could definitely fit a few Boxsters inside:
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