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Old 05-12-2023, 08:10 AM   #47
husker boxster
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Took the shark to lunch with a friend last wk. Threw it on the charger for an hr before I left. Had lunch and the battery was dead when I came out. I'd thrown in cables just for these situations but couldn't get it to jump from my friend's Jeep. Luckily only 1.5 mi from home, so she gave me a ride home. Was kind of a hassle getting an Interstate battery, but got it installed and had a friend drive me over to bring her home.

I forgot to mention on one of my test drives I tried the cruise control. It worked, which is a good thing as many on RL say their's doesn't work.

Trying to get on my mechanic friend's list to get my AC converted to R134 and charged. He's ordering parts. Hoping to take her on a 2-day Porsche club trip to Valentine, NE in July. Will defn need AC for that trip in a black car with black int in the middle of July. I've left the int out since I got her back from the TB fix because there are AC lines under the passenger seat that go to the rear AC unit. Those may need new O-rings and testing for leaks, so better to have access to them.

So in the meantime, I decided to change the plugs, wires, and 3 fuel lines I had. I'd ordered all these parts back at Thanksgiving. There's a 4th fuel line that was on back order but I paid for it with the promise to send it when the next batch arrived from Germany. It's supposed to be in next wk. Right...

I bought the plugs and wires assumming they needed replacing. Upon closer inspection, the old wires looked brand new and the plugs were spotless except for 1, which was a tad dirty. I decided to leave the wires alone and just clean and gap the old plugs. Will keep an eye on #6 cyl plug and see if it stays clean. In a cpl yrs when I'm ready to sell, I'll replace plugs and wires.

So on to the fuel lines. 2 of them were relatively easy to replace. The old ones didn't fight much and the new ones went on fine. The 3rd not so much. It fought me hard coming off and the new one wasn't an exact copy so I had to figure out how to route it so it would work. On about the 5th try I got it figured out. But by this time I had a LOT of items removed or loosened to make it work. A lot of checking and loose fitting went on before I could button it up. Did a test fire and nothing leaked fuel at the fittings. Going out for a test drive this morning. If that goes well, she gets a bath and gets to go on a fun run tomorrow.

Here are the old fuel lines. They don't look too bad but can't take the chance on a Car-B-Q.

The line that fought me the hardest was in the back of the engine. It connects to one of the 2 fuel dampers and then goes to an AC cooler line that cools the gas. Not a lot of room there and my arms have the bruises to prove it (I bruise easily since I'm on blood thinners for a yr from my heart attack). I also filled the swear jar with this hose alone.

Here's a pic of the old line. It goes from the AC cooler (the foam area) then routes under the damper (the bronze item with the vacuum hose), does a 180 deg turn and connects to the back of the damper. It's the middle hose in my above pic of old lines.

The new line was totally different in configuration - it was a straight piece of hose with 90 deg metal connectors on ea end. Hmmm... how does it fit? Well it connects to the damper at the rear, then loops by the intake manifold, goes under a heater hose and the damper, and then connects to the AC cooler. Luckily there's a gap in the air cleaner that allows room for the hose. Clear as mud figuring that out.

When the 4th hose arrives, I'll have to tear most of the stuff off the back of the engine to get to it. It's a horse shoe shaped hose. The good news is I removed this line while trying to find the proper routing for the 3rd line, so it shouldn't be a fight to get it out to replace it. Putting the new line in, who knows?
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Last edited by husker boxster; 05-13-2023 at 06:47 PM.
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