Originally Posted by The Radium King
welcome to the forum. apologies for the other response, it seems every forum has trolls like that who think they are contributing to the conversation by yelling at new members to use the search function.
anyways, i know nothing about tiptronic transmissions and only dropped in to let you know that someone who actually can help will most likely post shortly. hopefully; the board has been pretty slow since the trolls drove away new and old members alike ...
Lighten up. Not everyone has the same sparkling personality as you.
I contribute when I have knowledge about a challenge faced by a member. My "contributions", as technically limited they can be, are inspired by the many, many posts I read on this forum. I don't know as much as certain of our members (I know you know a lot)... you're one of them. If I suggest a "fix", it's only because I've been there.
I wasn't so much "contributing" to the inquiry so much as trying, in a dry humor way, to encourage the OP to employ a proven method of discovery. That's why Google was invented. No?
Have a great day. Seriously.