Thread: Bad Water Pump
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Old 03-31-2023, 11:26 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Homeoboxter View Post
Wow. Which brand is it? Did you find anything blocking the impeller?
I'm not sure of the brand, but it looks like it could be a good Pierburg. I'll update if I find differently when I compare it. It was obviously a replacement pump due to the gasket. The car itself is an '04 with over 190k miles on it, but the engine is a factory replacement engine and I have no way of knowing the actual engine mileage. No indication of blockage. I was surprised to find it cracked around the center rather than shedding at the blades. The shaft has no play and doesn't wobble.

I replaced it with a pump that has a metal impeller. I wrote on the pulley "Replace by 2025" with a paint marker because they can do a lot of damage to an aluminum block when the bearing starts to fail. The car has already been partially parted out and will never be titled for the street again, but I still find some use for it from time to time.
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