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Old 03-31-2023, 11:29 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Seadweller View Post
Hi gang!

I know this has been discussed ad nauseum, but I have some questions related to this, some of which I can't find answers to. I of course have the notorious start-up rattle, which sounds like the motor is coming apart for a second or two. It's not a comforting sound. My '98 has around 38K miles on the clock, and the IMS has been done. One thing to mention is that I can go 2-3 months at a time without starting/driving the car, which I'm sure exacerbates the issue. On to my questions:

1. I've read quite a number of instances where folks have installed the updated tensioners, only to find that the rattle persisted. What I haven't found is a root cause as to why the new tensioners did not correct the problem.

2. Related to #1, if the tensioners didn't fix the problem, then folks seem to point to the ramps. Could an engine with 38K miles have that much ramp wear to cause the rattle?

3. Thinking of ways to get around this, is there any harm in pulling the fuel pump fuse and turning the engine over for a few seconds to build pressure in the tensioners?

I'm getting ready to bring the car in for a service, and am wondering if I should go ahead and have at least the bottom 2 tensioners replaced as a precaution. I'm just trying to stay ahead of the curve, but I'm not ready to address the guides, as that's quite an endeavor.

1. Because the chain ramps are worn.
2. Yes.
3. Won't hurt, but will not help if the ramps are worn.

Easiest way to find out is check your cam deviation values, if they are high, the ramps are worn.
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