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Old 03-28-2023, 09:56 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by djw8282 View Post
Thanks for the reply blue62. Notifications for this thread got mixed up in my email so I'm replying late.

Im going to try the started fluid. The battery is fully charged and the engine cranks strong but just won't turn over. I have an aftermarket high-flow intake. Should I spray the starter fluid in the intake where the tubing detaches at the throttle body or closer to the MAF?

The engine was rebuilt in 2016 and has about 40,000 miles on it.

Again, thanks!
check make sure your fuel pump relay and your fuel injector relays are good.
Test them or simply replace them.
That way we know for sure they are not the fault..
The little contact points in them can corrode over time.

Spray the starting fluid where the tubing detaches at the throttle body.
Open the throttle body butter fly if you can when you spray the fluid.

So you understand why I am having you do this.
Opening the butter fly gives the starting fluid a better chance of getting into the cylinders when you crank it over.
If the engine fires at all using starting fluid that will tell me that you most likely have a fuel delivery issue...thus it will not fire or start under normal conditions.

If it will not fire using starting fluid then the issue is most likely an electrical (spark issue).
So the results from the use of using starting fluid gives us a direction to proceed with your diagnosis of the no start issue.

Post here what you find from this test.... I will try to help you out if I can

You say you have an after market high flow intake.
what changes did you make to the stock intake????
What type of air filter are you using????
Is it dry type or is it an oil on the filter type like a K&N????
Any other Mods to the engine???
What year is the car????

Last edited by blue62; 03-28-2023 at 10:15 AM.
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