Originally Posted by deemce1
Yes. With MAF disconnected, it ran fine.
In another search (for MAF), someone wrote that after cleaning the problem remained. The next day he tried again and it worked. I tried the same this AM and it started right up and ran for about a minute then the CEL came on. Will wait for the replacement.
When you mention that these cars do not like aftermarket MAF, what are the symptoms (as I had already ordered an aftermarket part)?
After Market MAF sensors either don't last long in these car or simply don't work at all.
I have no idea why that is...... but it is what it is.
When it comes to sensors like your MAF or O2 sensors always go with Bosch.
Bosch was the first to adapt O2 sensors to automotive use and they also developed the first MAF sensors. So they know what they are doing.
It will save you money in the long run.
If you can send the after market MAF back and get a refund I would do so.
MAF sensors can be rather sensitive... cleaning sometimes works sometime not.
But they need to be cleaned with a spray MAF sensor cleaner.
And never touch the resistor wire. handle by the plastic body only.
Another thing never run an after market air cleaner that requires oil on it like a K&N type air cleaner.
They destroy MAF sensors.
Keep me posted on your end result if you would.
Helps me improve my diagnostic procedures to know end results.